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Video "Opening ICME-10"


The 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education

Under the auspices of ICMI
(International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-10, will be held in

Copenhagen, Denmark.

The aim of the ICME congresses is to:

  • Show what is happening in mathematics education worldwide, in terms of research as well as teaching practices
  • Exchange information on the problems of mathematics education around the world
  • Learn and benefit from recent advances in mathematics as a discipline

ICME-10 hopes to attract 3000-4000 researchers in mathematics education, mathematics educators, including teachers, and others working within the educational system, from around 100 countries.

Our partners & sponsors

Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Centre for Research in Learning Mathematics.
Roskilde University, IMFUFA.
Danish Research Council for the Humanities.
Lyngby Taarbæk Municipality.
International Mathematical Union.
First Mathematical Radio (New radio program devoted to the personal lives of scientists).

Additional non-thematic ads and information



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